Complementary & Alternative Medicine


Digital & Electronic Acupressure

Acupressure is an ancient technique that engages the body's energetic system by providing it with stimulation in the form of surface pressure and is unlike Acupuncture that requires the insertion of a needle.  Archeological discoveries have revealed that the fingers, commonly known as digits, were used alone or with the use of flat stones and pearls as the first types of Acupressure tools, with long sharpened bones and teeth being the first needles for Acupuncture.  In modern times, the location and selection process of each acupoint have remained the same, while Acupuncture needles are now stainless steel and Acupressure tools are generally made from gemstones, plastic or wood, notwithstanding the masterful digital manipulation made by human fingers.  However, there are currently noteworthy devices such as the one displayed here, that can offer impressive Acupressure alternatives and assistance for rapid and formidable treatment of stress, pain, aggravation and numerous muscular skeletal disorders.  Especially recommended for those individuals who must regularly perform tremendous feats of physical endurance and mental exertion, this phenomenal device works immediately from any locality, without the necessity of ever using needles or fully removing one's clothes.  Tension headaches and multiple dysfunctions of hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet, as well as the neck, shoulders and low back, are examples of conditions that can be alleviated by sending various vibratory pulsations, similar to those of a Tens Unit - efficiently and prudently into affected areas, with the skill sets and practical knowledge developed over the last 3,000 years. 

Tui Na & Magnetic Therapy

This Chinese modality is from 2,700 BC and has often been called "The World's First Official Deep Tissue Massage".  The term Tui Na, directly translates into the two English words of Push and Pull, thus referring to the physicality of extremely penetrating techniques that alleviate chronic tension and daily pain within various layers of the body.  It goes well beyond the contemporary approaches of just applying strong pressure primarily to the surface area of connective tissues and related muscles of the back, legs, torso, arms, neck and shoulders.  Instead, Tui Na's therapeutic strategies also surround these areas and go deeply underneath them, to methodically unravel the impacted fascial adhesions from greater vantage points.  With supplemental usage of assorted magnets, some being 24k gold plated or highest gauss rated to enhance healing, one may take advantage of also enjoying fortified joint stability and an increase in range of motion.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is a popular practice that is usually thought to have begun in China.  However, early pictographic records suggest that it was actually the Egyptians who invented this protocol around 1,500 BC.  The first cups were in the form of animal horns, followed by cups made from bamboo.  Those were replaced over millennia by glass cups with flames placed inside that when blown out, created a suction effect.  The modernized cupping system shown here only uses medical grade plastic cups, with air pumps for stationary suction that safely lifts up compromised tissue and constrained fascia, to help eliminate pain and significantly promote cellular repair.  Silicone Cups for moving motions that boost blood and lymph circulation, as well as open meridian pathways for improved Qi flow are also available.  

Esalen Inspired Swedish

These distinctive techniques use elongated, slow, rhythmic strokes from the fingertips, thumbs, knuckles and palms that change directions and are supported by pauses to amplify endorphins and accentuate neuro-muscular relaxation throughout the entire body.  Known for being the distinctive, therapeutic, ultra soothing massage style that originated from the 1960's and Big Sur, California, it can generate waves of immense comfort.  It can also be employed alone or combined with Cupping, Stones, Scrubs and other types of Bodywork.  The benefits are far-reaching and so unique, that the results are wide ranging and tend to be perfect for all ages and all levels of pressure.

Dry Brushing & Anti-Aging Scrubs

Dry Brushing and Anti-Aging Scrubs have been utilized by almost all the historical civilizations.  In particular, those that belong to Scandinavians, Turks, Russians, Indians, Egyptians, Iranians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Japanese and Native Americans.  Nowadays, one has an advantage of exfoliating, toning and nourishing their skin by way of superior brushes, refined centuries-old and longevity minded scrub formulas of Himalayan Salt, Honey, Rose, Fruit Peels, Coconut Sugar, Neem, Fruit Butters, Neroli Flowers, Seed Oils and the like.  This is due to improvements made in the materials and design of body brushes, preparation of nutrient-rich ingredients that are free from preservatives or emulsifiers and progress in therapeutic techniques.  All of which, can work together to scrub, purify, polish and nurture the skin - your largest organ, immunity's first line of defense and maestro of water control, thermoregulation and sensory, as well as the autonomic systems.    

Kansa Facial Therapy

The Kansa Wand is a highly impactful example of old-world handiwork, made from wood and an alloy of copper and tin, renowned for its detoxification benefits.  This carefully crafted tool is designed to help invigorate skin on all areas of the face and neck, while leaving its recipients feeling centered and at peace.  Such copper based instruments have always been celebrated in India's heritage of Ayurvedic Medicine for their extensive healing properties.  Today's ability to superbly manufacture this wand, may very well improve upon the recovery of facial ailments more than ever.  Combined with precise massage methods, rejuvenating oils, herbs and collagen, it can stimulate lymphatic drainage to alleviate puffiness and assist in restoring a vitality that reinforces elasticity.  These beneficial effects date back to the 5,000-year origins of Ayurveda, also known as "the knowledge of life". 

Foot Reflexology

Foot Reflexology is one of the oldest systems of healing, dating back to 2,500 BC.  It focuses on applying pressure and special elixirs to distinct areas of the feet.  Unlike other therapeutic approaches that tend to affect only the body part that is actually being touched, this modality is far more encompassing, as the treatment principles here are based upon the ultimate conviction that every single component of the body corresponds to an associated segment located on the feet.  As prominently stated by the Ancient Egyptians, their point locations were faultless in promoting wellness in human beings' anatomy.  Rightly so, for the reason that this has proven to be a health-giving and revitalizing choice, for those who are recovering from medical procedures, have grown weary or are overwhelmed and anxious. 

Zen Shiatsu

Zen Shiatsu is done on the floor or table and strives to connect the Mind, Body and Spirit, better than any other form of Shiatsu.  The term Zen refers to the Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation, while Shiatsu is composed of two Japanese words: SHI meaning finger and ATSU meaning pressure.  This format is a rebirth of the Acupressure heritage of Japan afore 1,000 BC.  Because in addition to applying pressure along the energy pathways, it incorporates both dynamic guided imagery and meridian stretching to access an outstanding flow of robust energy.

Reiki & Gemstone Therapy

The word Reiki contains two Japanese words: REI meaning God's Wisdom or the Higher Power and KI meaning life force energy.  It was developed by Mikao Usui in the 1920's.

A powerful treatment that balances specific physical, emotional and psychological energy centers to effectively remove blockages, its objective is to restore and maintain a healthy, vigorous life force.

It has been designed to trigger the body's natural self-healing mechanisms, so that they may be engaged to help establish a healthier consciousness and a profound state of relaxation. 

This bodywork is performed while clothed and makes use of a special "laying on of hands" legacy, with only the therapist's hands held directly above each energy center, also identified as a Chakra.

The application of coordinated Gemstones for every Chakra can create a far more compelling experience.  These distinctive stones act as energy conductors for the different frequencies of each Chakra thereby, aid in determining the greatest therapeutic effects possible at that time.

Sports Massage & Cannabidiol (CBD) Enhancement

Sports Massage originated in the bygone days of ancient Greece and Rome.  Now for thousands of years ever since, it has supported athletes with advancing techniques made to maintain a competitive edge, recover faster and lessen the chance of injury.

The TheraGun model shown here, is a deep tissue massager combined with options for vibrational therapy that is a great accompaniment to manual manipulation.  It is based upon years of research and innovations by sports professionals in all fields. 

This therapeutic instrument can be modified with attachments that will accurately pinpoint trigger points, junctures of muscle groups, isolated muscles and provide LED, heat or cold therapies; thus, making it a powerful source of sports massage that can be used before, during and after most forms of physical exertion.  

Performance and recovery may further be strengthened with highly differentiated, medical grade CBD Infused Massage Oils, Lotions, Creams, Balms, Body Scrubs, Immersion Baths, Moor Mud Face and Body Masks.  

Yin & Yang Stones

Yin & Yang Stones embody beneficial forms of temperature-induced structural and cognitive, transformational bodywork.  White, chilled Yin Stones are marble and black, heated Yang Stones are basalt.  Their transformative powers can be utilized together or separately, when placed upon energetic points and meridian pathways or in muscle groups to reduce swelling, increase circulation, plus abate stress.  The earliest evidence of this practice has been found to be over 5,000 years old.  Yet, the longtime tradition of applying different temperatures, weights and sizes of stones, while gliding them over the body or positioning them in stationary positions, is still honored today.  This age-old mode also includes specialty stones, for their placement in each hand and between each toe.

Essential Oil Therapy

Essential Oil Therapy is also known as Aromatherapy, and it still remains a meaningful part of ancient science.  It only uses natural oils, extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots and other parts of plants to encourage, as well as maintain recovery and well-being.  These oils could be inhaled by the olfactory senses in the nose with a diffuser, candle, spray and sachet, or be absorbed directly through the skin with massage oils and carriers such as Thai Herbal Balls, where they can travel throughout the body via the bloodstream to promote localized and full body recouperation.  There is solid evidence of their daily usage worldwide some 10,000 years ago, as well as today for countless applications such as respiration, depression, immunity or stimulating cognitive function and making chaotic environments feel peaceful.  Each oil presents a unique impact the moment they are experienced and can be used singularly or in aromatic synergies.  

LaChance Emotional Release Methodology

Negative emotions and incidents have been experienced and stored with recurring feelings and imagery by the mind and body since the beginning of time.  The normal functions of organs, nerves, muscles, bones and glands can then become blocked by memories of trauma, anxiety, grief and ill-conceived ideas of oneself.  This powerful therapy is also known as La Methode Relacher Francaise or as translated into English, The French Release Method.  It utilizes a specialistic, therapeutic touch with compelling auditory and visual cues that can assist individuals in safely experiencing, identifying and then simultaneously releasing destructive recollections and pessimistic thought patterns.

Metaphysical Therapeutics

Arriving in the future...

Remedial Hypnosis

Vibrational Sound Therapy

Progressive Proprioceptive Refinement 




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